3 Things to do to keep your refrigerator running for years

Whether you have been having issues with your refrigerator or you simply want to make sure it is in good working condition, maintenance is essential. This includes a combination of cleaning and inspecting the refrigerator to make sure it is running smoothly. Here are some tips for maintaining your refrigerator.

Keep the Refrigerator Full

This may seem like it isn’t that important, but you actually need to make sure the items you store in your refrigerator have some type of thermal mass. This helps to manage the temperatures of the refrigerator. If you have trouble with food freezing or other cooling issues, it might be because the items you have in the refrigerator are sparse or you just have a few take-out containers and not much else. When you don’t have a lot of food to store in the refrigerator, fill up a few jugs of water and put them inside. In the future, try to buy a refrigerator better fit for your lifestyle.

Check the Door Gaskets

The door gaskets, which are the seals along the sides of the door, are essential to proper refrigerator operation. If these seals are fading or show signs of cracking, it might create a slight gap when the door is closed. This can reduce the effectiveness of the refrigerator and cause issues with the temperature. Check the door seals, which are rubber pieces on the edges of the doors. If you see signs of damage, they might need to be replaced. There might also be some buildup that needs to be cleaned. Baking soda and water is great for cleaning the gaskets.

Clean the Interior and Exterior

The refrigerator needs to be cleaned on a regular basis to remove buildup and keep it in good working condition. This involves cleaning it inside and outside. The outside of the refrigerator has condenser coils and fans that help to maintain the right temperature. If these elements get buildup from dirt or debris, they will stop working properly. Get a soft cloth and some water to remove the debris. You can also use a vacuum to get any loose dirt you find. A scrub brush may be needed for some buildup, but be careful not to bend the parts. Inside the refrigerator, use baking soda and water to create a paste and use that to clean stains leftover from food or spilled drinks. Rinse the entire inside fully and let it dry before putting food back in. For more information on cleaning your appliances check out our article.