5 Best HVAC Maintenance Tips for Pet Owners

You love your feline friend or canine companion. But did you know that pet hair is one of the biggest foes of your home air conditioning system? Thankfully, a little bit of attention goes a long way in keeping problems from happening. Here are five of our best HVAC maintenance tips for pet owners.

#1: Groom Your Pets Often

The first step in maintaining your HVAC unit when you have pets is to groom them often. This is especially true for breeds that are long hair or especially prone to seasonal shedding. Routine bathing, brushing, and trimming not only makes them more comfortable, but it keeps excess pet hair from being sucked into your air conditioning system.

#2: Change Your Air Filters and Vacuum Floors Regularly

You already know that you need to change your air filters on a monthly basis. But, if you have a cat or dog, you’ll want to monitor them even more frequently. More than one pet? Consider checking the status of your filters on a weekly basis. The reason for this is all the extra dirt, dander, and hair eventually gets sucked up into the system. Furthermore, add an extra floor vacuuming session into your cleaning rotation to help keep debris from ending up in your filters in the first place.

#3: Have Your Ducts and Vents Cleaned Periodically

While it is always a good idea to have your ducts and vents cleaned professionally every few seasons. This is extra important for pet owners. Again, that hair and dander sometimes bypasses the filters and ends up in your ducts. The only way to get it out is with a thorough cleaning.

#4: Set Your Thermostat Accordingly

This might not seem like an HVAC maintenance tip, but it does have an impact on your home. If you have pets that stay at your residence while you’re away during the day, make sure to set your thermostat to an appropriate temperature. Although you won’t want to turn it up as high as you would if there were no living creatures in your home while you’re gone, using the programmable feature is an easy way to ensure your furry companions’ comfort while helping keep costs low.

#5: Consider Purchasing an Air Purifier

Another tip is to consider purchasing an air purifier for your home. This can help remove some of the hair, dirt, and dander from the air before it reaches your filters and your air conditioning system. In the end, this means less taxation on the equipment which equates to lower utility bills, better longevity, and saving money on potential repairs in the long run.

Call a Professional for Maintenance Yearly

Of course, if you start having problems or it has been a long time since your HVAC system has been checked, it might be a good idea to go ahead and call in a professional. Not only will this save you time in the long run, it will keep your system running smoothly during the long hot days of summer.

Need a specific part for your air conditioning unit? Please contact our team at All Appliance Parts today to learn more about our extensive inventory and current availability.