Honoring All Who Served

On Veterans Day, the staff at All Appliance Parts and our families reflect on the enormous service and sacrifice made by our military heroes. The liberty that we, as U.S. citizens, enjoy comes at a price paid by these valiant men and women. Let each of us make sure we

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5 Tips For Your Refrigerator & Freezer

We all know how awful it can be to experience a refrigerator or freezer break down. Food can quickly spoil quickly and if not properly maintained a freezer can leak water all over wood floors and even soak up into cabinets. If they break down, it is not like you

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What to know about the end of Freon

2020 is the year that this old and environmentally unfriendly refrigerant will finally be phased out for good. R-22 refrigerant, brand name Freon, will no longer be imported or produced in the U.S. as of Jan. 1, 2020. With that, homeowners will see the high prices of R-22 continued to

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Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day! We will be CLOSED Saturday, Aug 31st through Monday Sept 2nd for staff training and observance of Labor Day.  Our team will be traveling to a secret location to learn how to better support our valued customers and enjoy some time as a team. During this holiday

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How I Fixed My Broken Oven (With All Appliance Parts Help)

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”108038″ img_size=”full” title=”The damaged part on the oven. “][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2”][vc_column_text] Our old oven needed an upgrade but we did not want to spend a fortune. We looked at the sales at the big box stores, checked out the used appliance place but could not find what we were

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5 Things to Avoid to Increase your Washing Machines Longevity

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] There are many critical appliances in our homes we cannot live without. In Florida our AC units are probably the most important but our washing machines should not be overlooked. We use these appliances several times in a month with little thought going to them. You fill it with

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