Protecting Your Home and Family From Harmful Airborne Pollutants

The COVID Pandemic has brought indoor air quality concerns to the forefront of business owners, school officials, hospital administrators, and homeowners alike. But clearly this is not the only airborne pollutant inside your home. Other harmful pathogens, particulates, and gases make up part of the indoor air pollutant equation. Protecting your family from all indoor pollutants is essential to your family’s long-term health and comfort.

UV AIR PURIFIERS UV lamps have long been used to treat water, removing harmful impurities and making it safe to drink.
Second Wind™ UV Air Purifiers utilize ultraviolet germicidal light and a patented photocatalytic process to disinfect mold, bacteria, and infectious disease, while also decreasing volatile organic compounds inside your home. Second Wind™ UV Air Purifiers were tested in 2013. The university’s lab test results (shown below) are based on a single pass by the lamp inside the duct.

Other things a UV Light helps with…

Keeping Mold In Check 

Indoor mold can occur in any area where there are a few mold spores and a bit of moisture. If your home has mold anywhere within it, this can cause respiratory problems for anyone living in the space. When you have mold concerns, it’s time to consider a Second Wind air purification system to keep the mold in check for your overall health. 

A System that Stays Clean 

Second Wind Air Purifiers help keep your HVAC system clean, minimizing monthly maintenance needs. With less maintenance, the cost of running your HVAC system goes down. The UV light kills bacteria, viruses, and other organic compounds, purifying the air around you in the process. 

Reduce Indoor Air Odors 

Whether you start to smell a strange odor, or you never realized your home has a particular smell to it, UV light within your air purification system will take care of these odors for you. Organic components built up within your system, mold, and other allergens can all cause an odor to occur. Keep your indoor air free from odors with UV light and the improved air filtration it provides to your HVAC system. 

Stay Healthy With Pure Air 

UV light is easy to use within your HVAC system, and can help keep you healthy. With the improved indoor air quality, respiratory issues such as asthma can be kept under control. If you are concerned about keeping the air in your home free from bacteria and viruses, Second Wind Air Purifiers can give you the assurance you need. If you have new or worsening respiratory problems, this cause could be your indoor air quality. 

Your HVAC System and Efficiency 

The HVAC system in your home can become coated with dirt and other pollutants. UV light helps keep the internal components in your HVAC system clean, optimizing the efficiency of your heating and cooling system. This will keep the cost of running your system down. If your system isn’t clean, it is going to run harder to keep your home at the right temperature. With an efficient HVAC system, your energy costs will go down. 

Reduce Household Sickness 

Even the common cold can make everyone in your home miserable if everyone gets infected. With a Second Wind Air Purifier, common cold viruses are reduced or eliminated within the HVAC unit. This helps prevent the spread of the illness within your home, keeping everyone healthier. 

For a clean, healthy, efficient HVAC system, it’s time to consider how a Second Wind Air Purifier can make a difference. With the purifying power of UV light, your home will have the air quality you want to keep healthy. Give your system the boost it needs to stay clean on the inside and remain efficient 

To learn more about getting a Second Wind UV light installed in your system we suggest visiting Veteran Air. Or to learn more about the benefits of a UV light you can find more information at