Closed for Thanksgiving

As we spend time reminiscing on what we are thankful for, All Appliance Parts of Sarasota and Bradenton will be closed November 26th, 27th and 28th. We will resume normal business hours on Monday, November 30th. We hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Benefits Of UV Lights in HVAC Systems

Clean indoor air is vital to the health and safety of your entire household. UV lights have shown a range of benefits that include sterilizing your heating and cooling system, and getting smells and odors under control. UV light was discovered back in 1800, and within a hundred years scientists learned that UV light was…

Why We Buy American

Often, American Made parts are not as easy to come by as less expensive options. Much of our country’s manufacturing has moved overseas. Even though we can understand a company’s decision to send production overseas, we feel products made in the U.S.A. are often better quality products.  At All Appliance Parts, we know you might…